another busy weekend coming up, friends! i'm looking forward to it, as i'll be able to see my alot of my girls a bunch and get started on my studio! i'm not crazy sure which room i'm getting yet, but i'm pretty sure it will be the one in the pictures below. it is actually a dining room, which explains the chandelier. man, do i have some painting to do! :) i'm thinking i'll share the room transformation on the blog -- cause who doesn't love some before and after shots? this MUSIC LOVE FRIDAY is bahamas. i have to listen to this song on headphones cause my roomie has heard it too many times on cbc radio. bahamas may not seem like the nicest dude, but man, does he know how to make dem songs. happy weekend, everyone. enjoy y'allselves!
Oh yeah. Nothing beats studio fever. Wind in your sails, studio builder.